
Certification Exam - Limited English Proficiency

Limitadong kasanayan sa ingles    |   제한된 영어 능력     |   Trình độ tiếng anh hạn chế  

Maîtrise limitée de l'anglais            |   英语水平有限       |   Konpetans angle limite 

The HUD Housing Counselor Certification Exam is available in English and Spanish. Candidates with limited English proficiency and limited Spanish proficiency may request additional exam time.

Certification Exam - Cost

The fee charged each time an individual takes the certification examination is based on the cost of administering the examination. As announced in the Federal Register Notice dated May 31, 2017, an online proctored exam costs $60 and an in-person proctored exam costs $100. Any changes in pricing will be published in advance in the Federal Register. 

Certification Exam - Rescheduled Appointment

Dear Counselor,

This message serves to confirm that your HUD Housing Counselors Certification Exam was rescheduled. You will receive a separate email with the specific appointment details directly from Kryterion, the proctoring service provider.

We are glad we were able to resolve this issue and wish you a successful exam experience.


The HUDHousingCounselors.hud.gov Support Team

Certification Exam - RA Request INCOMPLETE

Dear Counselor,

We received your request for accommodations for [INSERT ACCOMMODATIONS REQUESTED]. Please note that reasonable accommodations are provided to eligible test takers in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Your request is not complete as your statement/documentation does not meet our requirements. Please review the information below and provide adequate documentation. 

Certification Exam - Fee Waiver INCOMPLETE / DENIED

Dear Counselor,

We have reviewed your Fee Waiver Request.

Your request has been denied because situations in which [PICK ONE] the candidate purchased the wrong exam / the candidate failed to obey the rules / the circumstances described do not qualify as an emergency are not eligible for a fee waiver.