
Certification Exam- Answer Challenge

Dear Counselor,

HUDHousingCounselors.hud.gov cannot comment on specific test questions nor can we advise candidates as to whether they answered a question correctly or not. We have manually reviewed the scoring of your examination and confirm that the score originally reported is correct.  


The HUDHousingCounselors.hud.gov Support Team

Practice Exam - Question Identification Numbers or Categories

Dear Counselor,

In the practice exam, not all questions have a direct correlation to specific modules in the training content. The test question title information (i.e., A.1.1.1) does not directly identify a specific module. Many questions relate to content from multiple modules.


The HUDHousingCounselors.hud.gov Support Team

Certification Exam - Webassessor Payment Error

Dear Counselor,

Thank you for contacting Support.

We will escalate your concern with Kryterion if you provide the information below:

- A screen shot showing the transaction details in the credit card Statement
- Amount paid
- Date of Payment
- Last four digits of credit card
- Name on credit card if different from your own
- Credit card type (Visa, Master Card, American Express etc....)

Please select the link at the bottom of this message to update this ticket with the requested information and attach the requested screenshot.

Certification Exam - Voucher Field

Dear Counselor,

The "coupon/voucher" field is a standard field for the testing company. HUD does not provide voucher or coupon codes to offset exam costs. You may skip the "Submit" button and select "Check Out" at the bottom of the page to complete your purchase. 


The HUDHousingCounselors.hud.gov Support Team

Certification Exam - Certification Maintenance

The purpose of HUDHousingCounselors.hud.gov is to help counselors prepare for the HUD Housing Counselor Certification Exam and provide access to the exam. After passing the exam and transferring the results to FHA Connection, counselor certification activities shift from HUDHousingCounselors.hud.gov to FHA Connection.