Certification Exam - Development Standards

Support category

The certification examination was developed according to professional standards recognized by the testing industry and designed and constructed to be free from bias and measure only approved examination content. The following steps were taken to achieve these goals:

  1. Test content was defined by a diverse panel of subject matter experts who determined the knowledge and skills required to perform the services of a competent housing counselor regardless of the counselor’s cultural background or socioeconomic status. Test content is periodically updated by diverse groups of subject matter experts trained to write, review, and/or edit effective test items and to avoid potential bias.

  2. Subject matter experts are intentionally selected to represent a culturally and geographically diverse cross-section of the housing counseling profession. Under the guidance of a psychometrician, subject matter experts are trained to recognize potential sources for bias; to consider the appropriateness of the question subject matter; and to assess the clarity of the language used to ensure that potential bias was avoided, including cultural and linguistic bias.