Support category
Only HECM counselors who meet the eligibility criteria listed below may apply. An eligible HECM Counselor must:
- Have passed HUD's HECM Counseling Exam. Register for HUD's HECM Counseling Exam. HECM Housing Counselors will also be required to successfully pass the HUD Certification Exam upon publication of the Final Rule.
- Have successfully completed at least one training course related to HECM counseling within the past two years
- NOT be listed on the General Services Administration's Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), HUD's Limited Denial of Participation List (LDP), or HUD's Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System (CAIVRS)
- Be employed by a HUD-approved housing counseling agency
If you are a new applicant, you must apply online by uploading the application and proof of your successful completion of the HECM training course(s) listed on your application in PDF format.