HECM Exam- Application Process

Support category

You must be able to fill-in and print the application from FHA Connection (FHAC), sign it, scan it and save it in PDF format. You must use a scanner that creates PDF files. Please be sure that you save all pages of the scanned and signed form into one file before uploading it. PDF is the only acceptable file format.

In addition to the application, you must submit proof to HUD that you successfully completed each education course listed on your application. Each certificate must be scanned to your computer and saved individually in separate PDF files.

Start your FHA Connection Application.

If your application clears all initial system edits:

Success message will appear at the top of the Results page. The Accepted On field displays the date the application was accepted. You are not on the roster yet.

Note: A counselor will not be officially placed on the Roster until:

  1. The application and credentials pass a full review by HUD staff.
  2. HUD staff approve the application to be on the roster.
  3. You inform the Application Coordinator at your agency that you have successfully submitted your application.
  4. The Application Coordinator successfully validates in the system – Please note: The Application Coordinator cannot validate your employment until HUD approve the application to be on the roster.

If your application does not clear all initial system edits:

Warning message appears at the top of the Results page and the Application held for HUD review on field displays the date it was held.

Please visit HUD Exchange Application Overview and Process for more information.