Certification Exam - Transfer Results to FHA Connection

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If you have passed the exam, your next step is to authorize the transfer of your passing test results to FHA Connection. To do this, sign in to your account on HUDHousingCounselors.com and select the "Exam" tab in your User Profile. Then, select “Transfer Results to FHA Connection.” If you are already signed in, you can directly access the Transfer Results page. You will receive an email confirmation that contains your Counselor Exam ID, which you will need to complete the HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application.

For additional steps to certification visit the HUD Exchange website and view the HUD Certified Housing Counselor Application Process

A counselor will not be officially placed in the certified counselor database until the Agency FHA Connection Application Coordinator successfully validates counselor employment in the FHA Connection system. After you submit your application in FHA Connection, you should alert your Agency FHA Connection Coordinator to validate your employment.

Certificates are available to print after the candidate's employment is verified in FHA Connection. Find instructions for printing your certificate here