HUD Counselor Certification Practice Exam

Practice Exam - Quick Facts
  • Available since July 5, 2017
  • Optional
  • Free
  • Not limited to housing counselors
  • Practice exam is not scored
  • Feedback includes recommendations for further study by topic
  • Completion of practice exam does not guarantee certification

In addition to the training materials, a practice exam is available to help prepare for and pass the HUD Housing Counselor Certification Exam. Developed to meet the same knowledge and skills proficiencies as the certification exam, the practice exam is offered in a format similar to the certification exam and poses similar questions, but does not replicate any questions from the certification exam. 

There is no cost for the practice exam, and you are not required to be a housing counselor or be employed by a housing counseling agency to take it.

Feedback and Scoring

The practice exam is designed to give candidates a feeling for the format and style of test questions and the breadth of the subject matter in the test (90 questions that are not broken into smaller stand-alone sections). It is delivered in a similar format to the certification exam. The practice exam does not provide numeric scoring because performance on the practice exam does not guarantee passing results on the certification exam.

Upon completion, you will receive a summary page with feedback and recommendations for further study by topic. Please take note of the summary page, as you will not have repeat access to the results. The recommendations are based on how well candidates perform in each content area of the examination:

  • Areas in which candidates perform well receive feedback that some additional review is recommended for continued success;
  • Areas in which performance was marginal receive feedback that additional study is needed for moderate improvement; and
  • Areas in which performance was weak receive feedback that significant study is needed for considerable improvement.