6.1 Obtaining and Maintaining Tenancy

Module Summary Whether clients seek counseling to transition away from homelessness or to prepare to purchase a home in the future, housing counselors can assist them in securing affordable rental housing. In this module, you’ll learn about concepts associated with the execution and termination of a lease agreement, the responsibilities of tenants and landlords regarding property maintenance, and steps to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. You’ll also learn about renters insurance.

Learning Objectives By the end of this module, counselor will be able to:

  • Comprehend rental housing counseling topics, which include counseling regarding future homeownership opportunities, seeking affordable rental housing, assisting displaced residents, and providing referrals to other housing services.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of lease terms and concepts by describing to a client the impact a lease has on the client’s right to the use and enjoyment of the leased property, including negative impacts of early termination.
  • Apply knowledge of common maintenance requirements found in a tenancy lease when reviewing a client’s responsibilities to maintain appliances, walls, and other physical assets within a leased property.
  • Employ conflict resolution strategies necessary to assist in the amicable resolution to client’s “tenant/landlord” disputes.
  • Comprehend the importance of renter insurance coverage and the purpose of maintaining a policy.